学位:学士 职称:教授、博导
长期从事基础化学、材料化学和应用化学的教学和研究。在无机合成化学、新能源材料化学、环境催化材料合成及其应用、表面活性剂化学及其应用以及生物质化学及其应用方面开展过深入的研究。在国内外重要学术刊物上发表论文90 余篇,其中SCI收录60余篇,获国家发明专利22项。出版教材、教学参考书6部,获国家级、省部级教学成果奖7项。
1. 分级多孔负载离子液体-杂多酸催化剂的自组装制备及其氧化脱硫耦合机理研究(项目编号21476177),国家自然科学基金
2. 聚羧酸减水剂对提高混凝土性能的化学作用机理研究,2007.7-2009.7,交通部西部交通建设科技项目
3. 离子筛——一种具有离子记忆效应的材料的结构与性能研究(项目编号59972027),国家自然科学基金
4. 多孔载体光纤制备及感敏特性和导光机理研究(项目编号69477021),国家自然科学基金
5. 工业催化产学研基地建设,2015.1-2015.12,武汉市洪山科技局
1. 专利ZL200910273123.1专权转让,武汉科林精细化工有限公司,2013-2018
2. 专利ZL20061008179.9实施许可合同,武汉格瑞林建材科技股份有限公司,2011-2016
3. 聚羧酸减水剂检测技术平台建设,安徽中铁工程材料科技有限公司,2014-2015
4. 新型复合功能材料的制备及应用,香港NEO SITECH ENTERPRISE LTD,2010-2014
5. 环境监测专用高性能气相色谱仪研发,湖北方圆环保科技公司,2011-2015
1. Dan Liu, Liang-Jun Xia, Deyu Qu,Jia-Heng Lei, Yu Li and Bao-Lian Su.Synthesis of hierarchical fiberlike ordered mesoporous carbons with excellent electrochemical capacitance performance by a strongly acidic aqueous cooperative assembly route, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, 1(48): 15447-15458. (IF=6.101)
2. Liu D,Lei J H, Guo L P, et al. One-pot aqueous route to synthesize highly ordered cubic and hexagonal mesoporous carbons from resorcinol and hexamine[J]. Carbon, 2012,50(2):476-487. (IF=5.868) (*通讯作者,第一作者为在读博士)
3. Liu D, Lei J, Guo L, et al. Simple hydrothermal synthesis of ordered mesoporous carbons from resorcinol and hexamine[J]. Carbon, 2011,49(6):2113-2119. (IF=5.868) (*通讯作者,第一作者为在读博士)
4. Liu D, Lei J, Guo L, et al. A nanoparticle assembly method for the production of crystalline ordered mesoporous titanium oxide/carbon composites[J]. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2011,139(1-3):87-93. (IF=3.365) (*通讯作者,第一作者为在读博士)
5. Liu D,Lei J, Guo L, et al. Ordered thiol-functionalized mesoporous silica with macrostructure by true liquid crystal templating route[J]. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2009,117(1-2):67-74. (IF=3.365) (*通讯作者,第一作者为在读博士)
6. Yan X M, Mei P, Lei J H, et al. Synthesis and characterization of mesoporous phosphotungstic acid/TiO2 nanocomposite as a novel oxidative desulfurization catalyst [J]. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2009(304):52-57. (IF=3.187)
7. Liu D, Lei J, Guo L, et al. A strategy to incorporate monodispersed PbS nanoparticles into ordered mesoporous silica monolith[J]. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2008,46(1):57-62. (IF=1.660) (*通讯作者,第一作者为在读博士)
8.Lei J, Li H, Zhang A, et al. Separation of Monoester and Diester in the Esterification Product of Polyethylene Glycol and Acrylic Acid by the Weibull Method[J]. Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 2012,15(1):117-121. (IF=1.515)
9. Guo L, Wu Y, Zhao J, Lei J, et al. Curing Characterization of the Bis-salicylaldehyde-triethylenetetramine Nickel (II)/Epoxy System[J]. Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engieering, 2011,50(PII 9379207967):727-731. (IF=1.481) (*通讯作者)
10. Lei J, Du X, Zhang A, et al. RP-LC Determination of Residual Monomers in Polycarboxylate Superplasticizers[J]. Chromatographia, 2011,73(11-12):1131-1136. (IF=1.437)
11.Lei J H, Chen L, Yang P, et al. Catalytic properties of mesoporous phosphotungstic acid/SiO2 catalysts synthesized by different methods for dibenzothiophene and its derivatives[J]. J Porous Mater, 2013, 20:1379-1385.(IF=1.348)
12. Zhang A, Du X, Lei J, et al. Determination of polyethylene glycol monoester acrylate and polyethylene glycol diester acrylate using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography[j]. Analytical letters, 2010,43(5):858-866. (IF=0.965) (*通讯作者)
13. Guo L P, Du X D, Lei J H. Kinetics and mechanism of the additive reaction of aniline with dicyandiamide[J]. Kinetics and Catalysis, 2009,50(3):359-366. (IF=0.543) (*通讯作者)
14. Lei J H, Zhu G W, Ma Y L. Direct synthesis of o-bromobenzonitrile by catalytic and gas-phase ammoxidation of o-bromotoluene[J]. Kinetics and Catalysis, 2008,49(3):435-438. (IF=0.543)
15. Bi Y, Lei J, Du X, et al. Effect of crosslink structure of bridge polycarboxylate superplasticizers on dispersion ability[J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science Eedition, 2013,28(2):339-342. (IF=0.484) (*通讯作者,第一作者为在读博士)
16. Guo L, Wang S, Zhang A, Lei J, et al. Determination of Residual Monomers in Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography[J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science Eedition, 2011,26(3):439-442.(IF=0.484) (*通讯作者)
17. Zhang R, Li Q, Zhang A, Lei J, et al. The synthesis technique of polyacrylic acid superplasticizer[J]. Journal Wuhan University of Technology, Materials Science Edition, 2008,23(6):830-833. (IF=0.484) (*通讯作者)
18. Bi Y, Lei J, Du X. Research Progress of Adsorption Characteristics of Polycarboxylate Superplasticizers and Effect on Cement Dispersion, Hydration, 2012[C]. (*通讯作者,第一作者为在读博士)
19. MingLIU, LEI Jiaheng, BI Yao, et al. Preparation of Polycarboxylate-based Superplasticizer and Its Effects on Zeta Potential and Rheological Property of Cement Paste[J]. Journal of WuhanUniversity of Technology-Material, 2015,30(5):1008-1012.
20. Liu M, Jiaheng L, Guo L, et al. The application of thermal analysis, XRD and SEM to study the hydration behavior of tricalcium silicate in the presence of a polycarboxylate superplasticizer[J]. Thermochimica Acta, 2015,613:54-60.
专利号 |
授权公告号 |
授权公告日 |
发明名称 |
发明人 |
1 |
CN200910273123 |
CN101797508B |
2013.02.13 |
一种焦炉气加氢脱硫催化剂及其制备方法 |
王国兴;雷家珩;张先茂;王天元;王泽;刘志凯;赵志杰; |
2 |
CN201010510003 |
CN101974111B |
2012.06.27 |
由过硫酸盐-银氨溶液复合引发聚合制备纳米聚合物乳胶粒的方法 |
巫辉;王婷;吴霞;叶虎;雷家珩; |
3 |
CN200810196906 |
CN101388116B |
2011.10.26 |
制作具有三维立体效果的计算机模拟化学实验方法 |
郭丽萍;冯慧;徐璟;杜小弟;雷家珩; |
4 |
CN200710053152 |
CN101139509B |
2011.08.31 |
单组分环氧树脂胶粘剂及其制备方法 |
雷家珩;杜小弟;郭丽萍;吴阳春;赵嘉锡; |
5 |
CN200810047108 |
CN101327417B |
2011.03.16 |
一种克劳斯尾气加氢脱硫催化剂快速评价的反应系统 |
雷家珩;钱菁;方伟;杜小弟; |
6 |
CN200710053678 |
CN101172806B |
2010.05.19 |
低聚糖接枝改性聚羧酸高效减水剂及其制备方法 |
雷家珩;刘勇;郭丽萍;巫辉;雷刚; |
7 |
CN200710052787 |
CN100591418C |
2010.02.24 |
一种镍基克劳斯尾气加氢催化剂的共沉淀制备方法 |
雷家珩;方伟;钱菁;郭丽萍;童辉; |
8 |
CN200710053677 |
CN100572320C |
2009.12.23 |
单糖接枝聚羧酸高效减水剂及其制备方法 |
雷家珩;刘勇;郭丽萍;巫辉;张柯达; |
9 |
CN200710052083 |
CN100535035C |
2009.09.02 |
纤维增强聚合物乳液复合材料及其制备方法 |
巫辉;付娆;王丽芳;刘兰;雷家珩; |
10 |
CN200610124912 |
CN100446857C |
2008.12.31 |
杂多酸/有序介孔氧化硅催化剂的制备方法 |
雷家珩;颜学敏;郭丽萍;刘丹;童辉; |
11 |
CN200610018179 |
CN100358825C |
2008.01.02 |
丙烯酸系多元共聚物类高效减水剂及其合成方法 |
雷家珩;郭惠玲;郭丽萍;童辉;顾华君;李琼; |
12 |
CN200610018119 |
CN100386364C |
2008.05.07 |
制备金属硫化物纳米粒子与介孔薄膜复合材料的方法 |
郭丽萍;刘为;雷家珩;童辉;刘丹; |
13 |
CN200510018601 |
CN1324758C |
2007.07.04 |
从废旧锂离子电池中分离回收钴的方法 |
郭丽萍;黄志良;雷家珩;童辉;杜小弟;方伟; |
14 |
CN200510018537 |
CN1330579C |
2007.08.08 |
水热法制备尖晶石型锂锰氧化物锂离子筛分材料 |
雷家珩;杨顺林;郭丽萍;童辉; |
15 |
CN200410061428 |
CN1283551C |
2006.11.08 |
一种光学透明的有序介孔氧化硅单块的制备方法 |
雷家珩;刘丹;郭丽萍;赵俊;巫辉; |
16 |
CN200410061204 |
CN1249254C |
2006.04.05 |
可移动式轻体高炉铁支沟沟闸处防尘罩及制作方法 |
雷家珩;巫辉;郭丽萍;童辉; |
17 |
CN200410012805 |
CN1226429C |
2005.11.09 |
从锂锰氧化物中分离回收锂和锰的方法 |
雷家珩;郭丽萍;陈永熙;童辉;杜小弟; |
18 |
CN03125450 |
CN1212900C |
2005.08.03 |
油田污泥烧结建筑砌块的制备方法 |
雷家珩;童辉;陈永熙;巫辉;郭丽萍;刘丹;杨顺林; |
19 |
CN03119047 |
CN1200475C |
2005.05.04 |
用离子筛从废旧锂离子电池中分离回收锂的方法 |
雷家珩;郭丽萍;童辉;陈永熙;孙育斌; |
20 |
CN03118860 |
CN1227161C |
2005.11.16 |
动态柱交换制备尖晶石结构的二氧化锰的方法 |
雷家珩;郭丽萍;陈永熙;袁启华;孙育斌; |